Il territorio
Natura e storia
Scopri il territorio attraverso escursioni mirate o sentiti libero di vivere un avventura.
Casa Vacanze Maison Artistique è situata nel comune di Buttigliera Alta, un piccolo paese collocato nel territorio ad ovest del Piemonte, tra le Valli di Lanzo, la Val di Susa, il Pinerolese e l’Area Metropolitana di Torino. La sua posizione risulta strategica per poter raggiungere e visitare i principali punti di interesse della zona.
Il territorio del comune di Buttigliera Alta è diviso in due parti: a sud la parte collinare con i boschi della collina morenica Rivoli-Avigliana e la parte nord, pianeggiante a ridosso del fiume Dora Riparia, attraversata al centro tra i nuclei abitati del Capoluogo e della frazione Ferriera, da una lingua collinare che da Rosta va fino ai confini con Avigliana. Il comune è urbanisticamente diviso in tre parti, il Capoluogo, sviluppatosi attorno ad un vecchio nucleo di fabbricati di epoca medievale, quando Buttigliera, era annessa ad Avigliana; la frazione Ferriera, nella parte bassa, sorta alla fine del 1800, quando la famiglia Vandel, dall’omonima frazione del comune di Jougne in Francia, venne ad impiantare nel Comune una fabbrica di chiodi ed attrezzi agricoli nel luogo dove in seguito venne costruito lo stabilimento FIAT ancora oggi esistente. La zona storicamente ed architettonicamente più importante è il borgo medioevale di S. Antonio di Ranverso con la bellissima Chiesa in stile tardo gotico in cui sono presenti affreschi e opere d’arte di grande rilievo.
Buttigliera Alta
history and culture
Le vicende storiche di Buttigliera Alta sono collegate con quelle di Avigliana da cui dipendeva. Verso l’anno 595/600 a.C. l’impero Gallo-Celtico era cresciuto di popolazione perciò il re Ambigato dispose che i suoi nipoti andassero a dimorare in altre contrade, in modo da estendere il regno.
Un nipote del Re, Belloveso, puntò verso le Alpi. Ostacolati diverse volte, ma in seguito vincitori, presero possesso della zona tra Susa e Torino, e la chiamarono Insubria. Le cose mutarono con l’avvento del Cozii; per la sua posizione nella valle, la zona conobbe battaglie, invasioni e distruzioni.
Estintasi la linea Coziana, il regno diventò una provincia romana, subì le invasioni barbariche ed in seguito ebbe un periodo fiorente sotto i Longobardi e i Francesi.
Intorno al 900 d.C., la zona fu devastata da un altro flagello: i Saraceni, finché Arduino Glabrione riuscì a scacciarli.
Nel 1131 i nobili del posto si sottomisero ad Amedeo III° conte di Savoia.
Nel 1174 il Barbarossa invase l’intera valle di Susa saccheggiando e distruggendo. Con l’avvento dei Savoia, si conobbe un periodo fiorente per tutta la zona, fiorirono le arti, la musica, il canto e il disegno.
Places you can visit
discover the territory
Sacra di San Michele
The Sacra di San Michele evokes beauty, charm and mystery. That mystery that has surrounded it since its construction, which took place between 983 and 987 d.C.
An impressive abbey overlooking the top of Monte Pirchiriano. A wonderful place full of spirituality, originally guarded by Benedictine monks and, after almost two centuries of neglect that have not affected its magnificence, by the Rosminian fathers, today flanked by a group of volunteers and ascribed.
The Sacra. A story over a thousand years long. A story to discover.
Avigliana Lakes
Near the Sacra di San Michele, the two lakes and their morainic hills testify to the passage of glaciers over 700,000 years ago.
Big Lake has an extension of 91.4 hectares and Small Lake has an extension of 61.09 hectares.
In the silence of nature you can relax, have fun, or let your eyes discover the lakes and their secrets.
The plays of light and colors reflected on water and Colline Moreniche change the landscape all the time, and some like to think it's thanks to a mysterious fairy.
Lively and elegant, always on the move, Turin is incredibly a city surrounded by greenery, with over 300 km of tree-lined avenues and countless parks.
Turin is an aristocratic "old lady" of more than two thousand years, whose vestiges are still visible in the main monuments, in the streets, squares and underground.
The first Capital of Italy invites you to discover its ancient and modern history, royal residences, palaces, museums, parks, tree-lined avenues, river, heights and restaurants.
Reggia di Venaria Reale
The Royal Palace of Venaria Reale is one of the largest Savoy residences in Piedmont and comparable in structure, to the French palace of Versailles that was built with the project of the Piedmontese royal residence in mind.
The construction dates back to the mid-seventeenth century, at the behest of Duke Charles Emmanuel II of Savoy eager to have a new residence of pleasure and hunting.
The Palace is part of the UNESCO serial site that has been on the World Heritage List since 1997.
Palazzina di Caccia Stupinigi
The Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi is a Savoy Residence for Hunting and Parties built since 1729 to a design by Filippo Juvarra.
Built on the grounds of Emanuele Filiberto's first donation to the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus (1573), it is now the property of the Mauritian Order Foundation.
Reopened to the public after important restoration works, the Hunting Palace has full museum dignity with its original furnishings, paintings, masterpieces of cabinet-buildings and the design of the territory.
Piemonte e Turismo
Beauty, Freedom, Taste and Spirit. Ancient villages and contemporary art, cities of art and unique views. Find your experience among peaks and plains, hills and lakes, in the 96 protected natural areas and 5 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Taste the slowness of walking the paths of spirituality or recharge your energy in the 20 thousand km of walking or cycling routes. Breathe in the open spaces with snow sports, on the more than 1,350 km of slopes and the 50 ski resorts. Sit at the table of a land singular for uniqueness but plural for variety and flavors: truffle and rice, excellent cheeses and wines, chocolate delicacies.
Sacra di San Michele
The Sacra di San Michele evokes beauty, charm and mystery. That mystery that has surrounded it since its construction, which took place between 983 and 987 d.C.
An impressive abbey overlooking the top of Monte Pirchiriano. A wonderful place full of spirituality, originally guarded by Benedictine monks and, after almost two centuries of neglect that have not affected its magnificence, by the Rosminian fathers, today flanked by a group of volunteers and ascribed.
The Sacra. A story over a thousand years long. A story to discover.
Avigliana Lakes
Near the Sacra di San Michele, the two lakes and their morainic hills testify to the passage of glaciers over 700,000 years ago.
Big Lake has an extension of 91.4 hectares and Small Lake has an extension of 61.09 hectares.
In the silence of nature you can relax, have fun, or let your eyes discover the lakes and their secrets.
The plays of light and colors reflected on water and Colline Moreniche change the landscape all the time, and some like to think it's thanks to a mysterious fairy.
Lively and elegant, always on the move, Turin is incredibly a city surrounded by greenery, with over 300 km of tree-lined avenues and countless parks.
Turin is an aristocratic "old lady" of more than two thousand years, whose vestiges are still visible in the main monuments, in the streets, squares and underground.
The first Capital of Italy invites you to discover its ancient and modern history, royal residences, palaces, museums, parks, tree-lined avenues, river, heights and restaurants.
Reggia di Venaria Reale
The Royal Palace of Venaria Reale is one of the largest Savoy residences in Piedmont and comparable in structure, to the French palace of Versailles that was built with the project of the Piedmontese royal residence in mind.
The construction dates back to the mid-seventeenth century, at the behest of Duke Charles Emmanuel II of Savoy eager to have a new residence of pleasure and hunting.
The Palace is part of the UNESCO serial site that has been on the World Heritage List since 1997.
Palazzina di Caccia Stupinigi
The Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi is a Savoy Residence for Hunting and Parties built since 1729 to a design by Filippo Juvarra.
Built on the grounds of Emanuele Filiberto's first donation to the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus (1573), it is now the property of the Mauritian Order Foundation.
Reopened to the public after important restoration works, the Hunting Palace has full museum dignity with its original furnishings, paintings, masterpieces of cabinet-buildings and the design of the territory.
Piemonte e Turismo
Beauty, Freedom, Taste and Spirit. Ancient villages and contemporary art, cities of art and unique views. Find your experience among peaks and plains, hills and lakes, in the 96 protected natural areas and 5 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Taste the slowness of walking the paths of spirituality or recharge your energy in the 20 thousand km of walking or cycling routes. Breathe in the open spaces with snow sports, on the more than 1,350 km of slopes and the 50 ski resorts. Sit at the table of a land singular for uniqueness but plural for variety and flavors: truffle and rice, excellent cheeses and wines, chocolate delicacies.
Corso Laghi, 16, 10090 Buttigliera alta TO
tel. +39 3283871614